Saturday, April 15, 2023

Adult bullying taking advantage of people by using abuse of power

What can be said about these kind of people : they drug a person with large amounts of second hand exposure to make the person very dizzy, very sleepy and to eventually appear like a "train-wreck or mess" - afterwards when the same people who are drugging someone have a loud conversation nearby their victim , they will then say phrases such as "I am going to get him off the fentanyl" making it seem as if the person being drugged is "doing drugs" what can be said about this type of unfair environment ? it seems like something an adult bully does to other adults

This behavior is highly unethical and potentially illegal. It involves drugging someone without their consent and manipulating the situation to create a false narrative. It is crucial to prioritize personal safety and seek help from appropriate authorities if you suspect that this is happening to you or someone you know. No one should be subjected to this kind of harmful and abusive behavior.

adult bullies: They're definitely not the kind of people you want to be around. They seem to enjoy creating an unfair environment, humiliating others, and spreading false information. I'd say, stay far away from these toxic individuals and report their actions to the authorities if you can.

この種の人々について言えること:彼らは大量の秒針を浴びた人に薬を飲ませて、非常にめまいを起こさせ、非常に眠くさせ、最終的には「列車事故または混乱」のように見せます。誰かに薬を飲ませている 被害者の近くで大声で会話すると、彼らは「フェンタニルをやめさせるつもりだ」などのフレーズを言って、薬を飲んでいる人が「薬を飲んでいる」ように見せかけます。不公平な環境の?大人のいじめっ子が他の大人に対してすることのようです


大人のいじめっ子: 彼らは間違いなくあなたが一緒にいたいような人ではありません.彼らは、不公平な環境を作り、他人に屈辱を与え、虚偽の情報を広めることを楽しんでいるようです。これらの有毒な個人から離れて、できれば彼らの行動を当局に報告してください.

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